
On this website, only electronic materials intended for download are sold. No physical goods are sold here.  Nothing will be shipped to you and no shipping fee is charged. The purchased product (typically in PDF format) can be downloaded through a link that is sent to your email.

Terms and Conditions


E-shop Smarterino is operated by Pavel Černý.

These terms and conditions define the rights and obligations of buyers and the seller, who is:

Mgr. Pavel Černý

Address: Burdova 407/33, Prague 9 Kyje, 19800, Czech Republic

ID: 87149354 Tax ID: CZ7704110095

Registered: Prague 14 City District Office, file no. ŽO/08/006470/JC



All products are copyrighted.

It is prohibited to copy, distribute, modify, sell, or provide electronic products (PDF) to third parties without the author’s consent.


The presentation of products on the web interface is of an informative character. The seller is not obliged to enter into a purchase contract. The buyer orders products by filling out an electronic form through the website By sending an order, the buyer confirms that they have become acquainted with these terms and conditions and that they agree with them. These terms and conditions are an integral part of the purchase contract, which is concluded by filling out and sending the order.

Purchase Price

The agreed purchase price of the product (hereinafter also referred to as “price”) is the price listed for the product at the time of sending your order (stated in the sent order form). The seller is not a VAT payer, so the price listed on the website and in the order summary is final.

No shipping costs are charged for electronic products.

The seller will issue the buyer a document – invoice, which serves as a proof of purchase. The invoice will be sent to the buyer by email.

Payment Method

Payment can be made by bank transfer to the seller’s account or by payment card. Payment transfer details will be sent to your email after placing the order.

Card payments are processed through Stripe. You enter payment card numbers and electronic banking passwords through a secure and trustworthy channel of Stripe. We do not have access to these details.

Delivery Method

When purchasing electronic products, an email will be sent to you after payment with a link where the products can be opened and downloaded.

Delivery Time

Purchased electronic products will be delivered to you no later than 3 working days after payment is credited to our bank account, or after payment by card is made. Most often, we send electronic products within a few hours of receiving payment. If you do not receive an email with a link to download the products within 3 days, please check your spam or bulk mail.

Digital content requires hardware and software equipment to fully function, especially to open and print documents in PDF format.

Refund and Return Policy

The seller provides a satisfaction guarantee and a money-back guarantee for 30 days. Within this period, you have the right to withdraw from this contract without stating a reason. The withdrawal period starts the day after the day of product delivery. To withdraw from the contract, it is necessary to inform the seller by email at before the expiration of the 30-day period.

When returning an electronic product, you are required to delete it from all your devices where it was stored. We will return the money without unnecessary delay, no later than 14 days from the day of withdrawal from the contract.

If the full price for the order is not paid by you within 14 days after the due date, the following day after the end of this period will lead to the termination of the contractual relationship between us, thus ending your obligation to pay the price and the obligation of the seller to deliver the product to you.


The seller is not responsible for the unavailability of digital content in case of malfunction or slow speed of your internet connection. It may also happen that the content is temporarily unavailable due to data maintenance or server outages. Websites may be updated without prior notice.


The contract is concluded for a definite period, until the obligations of the Seller and the Buyer arising from the contract are fulfilled.

These terms and conditions may be unilaterally changed by the seller, but for the buyer, the text of the T&C effective at the moment of sending the order always applies. The current version of the terms and conditions is always available on the website


These Terms and Conditions are effective from April 1, 2024.